Using Your RV During Covid-19: Practical Tips to Quarantine

What’s the best way to use your RV when so many travel advisories seem to give conflicting advice? One way is to open your RV to guests in need of a place to stay during these uncertain times, or if – heaven forbid – you or a family member is in need of a separate place to self-isolate or quarantine. Here are some tips for using your RV during Covid-19.

Disinfect the Interior

Get some Lysol or Clorox wipes and wipe it down! A quick disinfecting of your RV will help sweep out the germs. Having a freshly cleaned and disinfected RV as a place for anyone needing a brief quarantine helps bring peace of mind. Leave the disinfectant wipes in your RV so they are within easy access.

RV During Covid-19

Stock the Pantry

Load your new or used RV’s pantry up with non-perishables and canned goods including the following:

• Instant oatmeal
• Peanut butter & jelly
• Canned soups

RV During Covid-19

Fill the fridge with a few supplies like lunchmeat, cheese, and canned soda. A small basket of coffee, tea, or hot cocoa left in the kitchen is a nice extra touch, and a small fresh fruit basket is a great way to go the extra mile.

Dust – and then Change the Linens

Dusting is an important job to do before you vacuum, sweep, or change linens. Why? Because dusting stirs some dust up into the air, which can resettle on beds, furniture, and floors that you’ve already cleaned. Since coronavirus health concerns involve upper respiratory complications, do the dusting before other chores.

Finish up by giving the floors a quick vacuum, sweep, and mop.  Wash all the sheets and bedding in your RV, and replace with a fresh clean set. Put a fresh stash of towels in the bathroom.

Home Sweet Home – Almost

Nobody really likes the idea of isolation or quarantine, but you can make the best of it with some personal touches. Whether it’s you or a loved one staying in your RV, stash a favorite throw blanket on the couch, stock your favorite movies and a great book or two that you’ve been meaning to read, a new jigsaw puzzle, or maybe a fun hobby that you’ve always wanted to try, like a knitting basket with a learn-to-knit guide. Having these creature comforts can go a long way when you’re pushed out of your comfort zone.

RV During Covid-19

When Everyone Gets Better…

Do all of these steps all over again! Re-disinfect, dust, change linens, and so on before heading out on your road trips. We’re confident that as warmer weather heads our way, the coronavirus concerns will gradually settle down, and you’ll be back to using your new or used RV for your vacation and not a room for quarantining, but it’s still a great idea to use what you have when you need it. Got questions in the meantime before you head out for your vacations this spring and summer? We’re here to help. Contact us today!

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